February/March’s Local Author - Susan Carter

Questions for Susan

Q: What is one thing you want people to know about your writing?

A: This is the fifth book I’ve written.  Three of them are more booklets than books, but they were great practice!  These previous books are teaching aids for Junior High Teachers.  This last book, I’m Fine is a collection of short stories that I’ve written over the years.

Q: Why did you become a writer? 

A: I started writing during a period when I was laid up from a bad knee-cap break that didn’t heal until the doctor broke it a second time!  I had just retired from teaching and we had moved to Nova Scotia.  All my friends were in Alberta and I’d not had time to make new friends!  So, I decided to write down all the bits of advice I had for Junior High Art Teachers. I thought it would be a good idea to get those thoughts written before time faded the information in my head!  I still speak about teaching Art to Teachers at Conventions. That first book is called Teaching Art with No Art Room, No Budget and Lots of Kids!

This latest book was written because I’ve worked as a stand-up comic for many years.  I often write material for the act that isn’t used for various reasons.  That’s the writing I used for I’m Fine.  I probably would have kept these stories for longer… but COVID became another period where we were all laid up.  I started going through my stories, reworking some and writing new ones.  I decided that sixty-nine was a good number of stories to write – because I had my sixty-ninth birthday during COVID and it was a goal to strive toward.

Q: Do you have any advise for new and upcoming authors?

A:   1) It’s OK to put your writing aside, but never a good idea to chuck it!  You never know when you might want to go back and work on your writing again. 

      2) Know who you are writing for.  I had to become sixty-nine to realize I was writing for Seniors.

      3) When I decided to actually go ahead with my book, I announced through my Christmas Letter that I would have a book to sell by the next Christmas.  This helped me to focus and do what I told everyone I was going to do.  I didn’t want to have a friend ask me what had happened to my book.  So, my best advice is, don’t just talk about it, do it!